Mamrukh – Mishlesh

MA-MI Profile

Mamrukh – Mishlesh: 29km, +1402m/-1609m (E → W)

Starting in Mamrukh village, this trail follows the Qarachay river basin, winding through the villages of Alasgar and Sabunchu before ascending a rocky, forested path towords the mountain’s ridgeline. Atop the initial climb is a shepherd shelter, with vast views of the surrounding mountains and villages below. Continuing along the ridgeline, the trail passes a meteorology station. The descent meanders through forest paths semi-marked by locals, eventually reaching the Talachay river. The route skirts the base of Mishlesh village before connecting with asphalt roads that lead directly into Zaqatala city.

Trail conditions

This trail follows river beds at the start and end of the route, which can be severely impacted by weather conditions, seasonality, and rainfall. Particularly the wide river bed at the foot of Mamrukh village is prone to flooding during rainy seasons. Besides this, the track follows dirt and rock trails through forest and pasture lands.

This trail has not been maintained by the TCT, but is frequently used by humans and horseback.

Predictable trail issues include:
• Overgrown foliage after heavy rainfall
• Varying conditions and changing tracks within the river bed

This stage starts and ends with riverbeds, which are highly susceptible to weather conditions, seasonality, and rainfall. The wide riverbed near Mamrukh village is especially prone to flooding during rainy seasons, requiring caution and flexibility in timing your hike. Beyond the riverbeds, the route transitions to dirt and rocky trail that wind through forested areas and open pasturelands.

While this trail has not been maintained by the TCT, it is a well-used path frequented by locals and horseback riders. However, hikers should be prepared for common trail challenges, such as overgrown foliage following heavy rainfall and shifting tracks in the riverbeds. Be sure to carry GPS tracks and be prepared for unpredictable conditions to ensure a safer and more enjoyable journey.


There is a spring on the west slope, below the meteorology station. There may be water sources by the shepherd shelter and meteorology station. 

Trail access 

On the eastern side, the trail can be accessed from the villages of Mamrukh, Elesger, or Sabunchu. Mamrukh village offers the easiest road access, but starting at Sabunchu significantly shortens the riverbed section of the hike. For added convenience, you may hire a four-wheeler to take you closer to the mountain’s base via the river valley.

On the western side, the trail begins just below Mishlesh village. A bridge from the main asphalt road provides access to Mishlesh. From the village end of the bridge, take a path under the structure, following the riverbed path, which includes both trail walking and river crossings, to reach the base of the mountain trail.

Trail amenities

Mamrukh village offers a market where hikers can stock up on basic supplies. At the base of the mountain on both the eastern and western sides of the trail, you’ll find makeshift picnic areas. For additional information on accommodations and transport options, check out the regional contacts sheet.

Cultural heritage sites

Mamrukh village is a historic Tsakhur settlement, and features a central mosque, in the yard of which is a protected ancient Albanian monument.

Trailmaker’s Notes 

On one of our initial scouts of this route, we were lucky to be invited by the meteorologist stationed at the top of the mountain for tea. It was a crisp fall day, and sharing the moment with us were several cats and kittens that resided by the station. As we sipped our hot tea in the cool autumn weather, these kittens beautifully posed along the mystical backdrop as if surveying their kingdom.


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